Beautiful son
In the middle of the heavens
Shine down on this world
Resonate from within
Radiate all around us
Bask us in son-beams
Speak to us
Of your light.
Sometimes weeks go past
And I go cold
My emotions sour
And activity is just a grey wash
Of noise
And I walk along sidewalks
Littered with jewels
That I do not see
Do I remember
Your miraculous light
That peaks out of the dimness
That taps me gently on the shoulder
That Invites to come out
And pray!
You remind me
You show me the Way
Beautiful son
Like a searchlight from above
And within
You make gorgeous fireflies
Out of these bugs I see as pests
You call out to me
And never give up on me
And say this way, this way
This is your home.
(C) Nikki Lyn Pugh, 2022